Our mission is to live and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ through worship, service and community, taking seriously Jesus’ command to “Do This In Memory of Me.”

We love to stay in touch with our parishioners and make sure that all of you receive news/updates from us! This is why we use Flocknote! It is free and you can unsubscribe at any time. If you would like to know what’s going at our parish, please sign up below! If you sign up using your email only, please add mail@flocknote.com to your Contacts List so that our emails do not go to your Spam/Junk folders.

Need to start or stop Stewardship envelopes? Please contact the office by phone on 406-442-5268 or email jhaddon@stmaryhelena.org

Pastoral Office Hours
Father Tim’s Office Hours
- Tuesday – Friday: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Mass Schedule

The Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) supports diocesan ministries such as lay ministry formation, campus ministry, seminarian education, parish emergency assistance, youth ministry, and so much more.
In your daily prayers, please remember all who are served by ministries made possible through the ACA.
Thank you for your prayers, and for your discernment of how you may also be able to support the ACA with a sacrificial pledged or single gift.
The ACA Online Giving link can be accessed here: https://www.givecentral.org/appeals-form-registration/acp651ce5f8729a5/user/guest
You may also donate by check. If you use the Online Giving, please indicate that you are from Saint Mary Catholic Community. If you would like to donate by check, you may place your gift in the parish offertory basket, but please make sure to identify it as a gift to the Diocese of Helena.
If you have any questions, please contact Sharon Witham, the Director of Stewardship Services at the diocese: 406-389-7062.
Our Parish Goal: $89,600