Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Handbook

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Religious Education K-5, Youth Ministry Grades 6-12, First Reconciliation/First Eucharist and Confirmation


  • Catechesis of the Good Shepherd will offer sessions on Mondays from 3:30 to 5pm and on Tuesdays from 9:30am to 11am. Religious Education Classes meet in the social center on Wednesdays from 3:45pm to 5pm.
  • Elementary Religious Education 2024-2025 Calendar
  • First Reconciliation (First Eucharist/First Communion) Classes meet in the social center a couple Sundays a month from 9:15am to 10:20am.
  • First Reconciliation/First Communion 2024-2025 Calendar
  • Middle School and High School Youth Groups meet in the social center on Wednesdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. Please visit our Youth Ministry page to see the Youth Group calendar.
  • Confirmation classes meet in the Social Center from 9:15am to 10:15am on Sundays. We will have 4 sessions for candidates and sponsors, 2 service opportunities and a retreat.
  • Confirmation 2024-2025 Calendar

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Children’s Liturgy of the Word meet on Sundays in the social center at the 10:30am Mass.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word 2024-2025 Calendar



To register for Baptism Preparation, please call Dawn at the office on 406-442-5268 or

First time parents are required to attend a Baptism preparation session, prior to the baptism. The date of Baptism will be scheduled after that. There will be no Baptisms during Lent.

Designation of Sponsor / Godparent for Baptism

  • Only one sponsor is required for baptism; two are permitted (in which case, there would normally be one man, one woman).
  • The sponsor should be a practicing member of the Catholic Church who has received all three sacraments of initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist.
  • He or she should be at least 16 years of age and mature enough to undertake the responsibility of fostering faith in the newly baptized.
  • As long as there is one Roman Catholic sponsor, a baptized member of another Christian community may participate as a Christian witness, who has a role in the church ceremony and in the child’s life, as does the Roman Catholic sponsor.
  • A person who has not been baptized, for example someone who is Jewish or Muslim, may not act as a sponsor because he or she is unable to profess faith in Christ or renew baptismal vows.

Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)

Order of Christian Initiation of Adults/Becoming Catholic

The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is a process developed by the Catholic Church for prospective converts to Catholicism who are above the age of infant baptism. Candidates are gradually introduced to aspects of Catholic beliefs and practices. The basic process applies to adults and older children, with younger children initiated through an adapted version sometimes referred to as the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults for Children of Catechetical Age.

Sessions are from September/October until May.

Meet Monday evenings at 5:30pm – 6:45pm – St. Anne’s room

Contact Dawn Brannman for more information: 406-442-5268 or

OCIA 2024-2025 Calendar

Faith Formation Contacts

For more information on Faith Formation, Children’s Liturgy of the Word, and Religious Education, please contact Dawn Brannman. Dawn Brannman

For more information on Youth Ministry, please visit the Youth Ministry Page or contact Dawn Brannman. Dawn Brannman

For more information on Elementary Religious Education, please contact Lori Mleko. Lori Mleko


Adult Faith Formation

Adult Faith Formation Events and Information

Zoom Community Night meets on the second Thursday of each month from 7pm to 8pm MST

Connect to Zoom



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St. Mary Catholic Community is seeking a qualified Director of Pastoral Care to support the operations of Saint Mary Catholic Community. This position reports to the Pastor and serves the parish by overseeing and coordinating ministries that provide spiritual, emotional, and physical care to individuals and families. Rooted in Catholic teachings and the mission of the Church, the Director ensures that all programs reflect compassion, mercy and the dignity of every person.

Candidates should have a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent education/experience in Theology, Pastoral Ministry, Social Work, Nursing or a related field. Strong organizational and communications skills are essential.

This is a part-time salaried position, working 32 hours per week, with benefits. Annual salary range is $36,500 to $39,500, depending on experience.

For a complete job description and list of qualifications for the position, please click HERE.

Apply by sending your cover letter, resume and three professional references to This position will remain open until filled.

You are invited to the blessing of a place to celebrate diversity, to celebrate Saint Teresa of Calcutta March 4 at 12:45 in the Gathering Space!

Saint Mary Catholic Community
Saint Mary Catholic Community

Saint Mary Catholic Community