Our Ministries
Your gifts and talents are valued at Saint Mary Catholic Community!
We encourage everyone to find a way to participate in some form of service.
How would you like to minister in your church?
If you are interested in joining one or multiple ministries, please call the parish office at 406-442-5268, or email us at smcc@stmaryhelena.org to let us know. When contacting us, please provide your name, phone number and email.
All ministries marked with an * means that VIRTUS Safe Environment training is required.
To know more about VIRTUS training, and how to register, please see our VIRTUS Safe Environment page.
- Sunday Mass
- Prayer/Spiritual Reading at Home
- Marian Prayer Services
- Novena to the Holy Spirit
- Prayer Group
- Rosary
- Lent/Advent Evening Prayer
- Weekday Mass
- Prayer Line
- Reading the Bible at Home
- Prayer Shawls
- Blessing of the Animals
- Food Drives
- Giving Tree
- Thanksgiving Food Boxes
- Basket Auction
- Monthly Hospitality (hosts after Mass)
- Audio/Visual Tech Team (help livestream liturgies)
- Adult Choir
- *Children’s Choir & Instrument Ensemble
- *Hospital Visitor
- *Home Visitor
- Lector
- Usher
- Greeter
- Bread Baker (bake altar bread)
- Eucharistic Minister
- Art & Environment (decorate the church seasonally)
- Cross Bearer
- Altar Linens
- Liturgical Commission (help plan our liturgical seasons)
- Liturgical Music (Cantor/Choir/Instrumentalist)
- Jubilee Garden
- *Friday Masses at Care Facilities
- Anointing Masses
- Grief Group
- Funeral Receptions/Luncheons
- Vigil Receptions
- *Children’s Liturgy of the Word
- Blood Pressure Screening
- Tablecloth Laundry
- Lenten Soup & Bread Suppers
- Thanksgiving Senior Dinner
- Valentine Tea
- Maintenance
- *Family Promise (In addition to VIRTUS training, Family Promise training is also required. Please contact Family Promise directly to go through their training.)
- Care for Creation
- Saint Francis Peace Through Justice Ministry & No One is Buried Alone Ministry
- Grounds keeping
- *Elementary Religious Education
- *Youth Group
- Adult Education Book Study
- Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
- *Vacation Bible School (VBS)
- Mass of Remembrance & Hope
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